The First Post

If you are here, you are probably a friend or family member that has been telling me to start a blog for quite some time. Well…. guess what? Its finally happened! I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while, but never felt like it was the right time or that I had enough to write about. But now as I am preparing to casually move to Europe for four months (no big deal), I thought it was a good time to start. This blog’s main purpose is for me to have a space to share stories and thoughts during my travels and adventures.

map of czech

I will be studying abroad in Prague for spring semester. This statement usually provokes the question: “Where’s that?” To answer, it is in the Czech Republic. This answer usually provokes another question, similar to the first: “Uhh… where’s that?” To answer, it is in “the heart of Europe” as they say (I don’t know who “they” are, but people say that and stuff, and when a lot of people say stuff its super credible). Czech Republic is in Central Europe, land-locked between Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Poland. I am studying Central European studies for a semester and experiencing first-hand what I will be learning in the classroom every day! I haven’t found out where I’m living yet, I don’t know any of the 200 students in my program, and I do not speak a word of Czech. The unknown is fairly terrifying, but God (and also Rick Steves) is always faithful and I’m excited to see what adventures He has in store for me in this new season of living soon-to-be stories.

If you know me, you know that the most important thing in my life is Jesus. My faith in Him is the lens through which I see the world and experience life. Our God is big, our God is everywhere, and our God is never boring. His beauty saturates everything, and everywhere I go I feel the tug of His invitation to uncover more and more of His beauty. I want to spend every adventure I have in life, including this one, glorifying Him and learning about who He is. I am excited to start this adventure, and excited to share it with all of you! I hope to post about once a week while I am away, so come back and read up on the tales of a quirky traveler.

Thanks for reading,


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